Shittiness–Goodness series, 2006–2007, graphite with colored pencil or gouache on paper, 17 x 14 inches up to 44 x 30 inches / 43 x 35 cm up to 111 x 76 cm each. From Bad to Worse series, 2006–2007, Epson Ultrachrome print, 20 x 16 inches / 51 x 41 cm each.
Shittiness–Goodness Key, 2007, graphite on paper, 22 x 30 inches / 56 x 76 cm
A key for ranking daily life events with points from -4 to +4.
Shittiness–Goodness Key, 2007, graphite on paper, 22 x 30 inches / 56 x 76 cm
A key for ranking daily life events with points from -4 to +4.
Shittiness–Goodness Chart, October–Novemeber 2006, 2006, graphite and colored pencil on paper, 22 x 30 inches / 56 x 76 cm
Adding up daily life events for average daily scores. At first, the charts attempted to prove how often quotidian experiences aggravate.
24 Hours of Shittiness, 2007, graphite on paper, 17 x 14 inches / 43 x 35 cm
Shittiness–Goodness Chart, December 12, 2006–January 1, 2007, 2007, graphite and guoache on paper, 44 x 30 inches / 111 x 76 cm
Shittiness–Goodness Chart, January 5–February 18, 2007, 2007, graphite and colored pencil on paper, 44 x 30 inches / 111 x 76 cm
Shittiness–Goodness Chart, February 19–April 4, 2007, 2007, graphite and colored pencil on paper, 44 x 30 inches / 111 x 76 cm
I decided to become an optimist; the charts report how many good events occur and encourage a daily practice of gratitude.
Achey Back, from the From Bad to Worse series, 2006, Epson Ultrachrome print, 20 x 16 inches / 51 x 41 cm
Shouldn't Have Eaten That, from the From Bad to Worse series, 2006, Epson Ultrachrome print, 20 x 16 inches / 51 x 41 cm
Even After the Car Wash, the Turds are Still There, from the From Bad to Worse series, 2006, Epson Ultrachrome print, 20 x 16 inches / 51 x 41 cm
Stapled, from the From Bad to Worse series, 2006, Epson Ultrachrome print, 20 x 16 inches / 51 x 41 cm
Broken Lock, from the From Bad to Worse series, 2006, video, 00:01:26 TRT
In the Shittiness–Goodness series, I chart events in my daily life that reflect my ambivalence between optimism and pessimism.
Caption: Christine Wong Yap, Shittiness–Goodness series, 2006–2007, graphite with colored pencil or gouache on paper, 17 x 14 inches up to 44 x 30 inches / 43 x 35 cm up to 111 x 76 cm each.
From Bad to Worse documents shitty chance experiences. It offers a glint of schadenfreude and humor—a mild ameliorative in light of the overwhelming impossibility of transcendence.
Articulating a pessimistic worldview. Squeezed between the paradox of immediate gratification and constant economic pressure, I am concerned with being destined for disappointment. I believe shittiness arises from personal dimensions—compounded day-to-day events and a petty, selfish and impatient attitude—as well as social ones—myths like freedom and the rich, carefree life. Surprisingly, the process of making this work gives me a healthier perspective by acknowledging that daily tribulations are universal.
Caption: Christine Wong Yap, From Bad to Worse series, 2006–2007, Epson Ultrachrome print, 20 x 16 inches / 51 x 41 cm each.