Inter/dependence comprises an installation of drawings, a zine, and a flag. They have their origins in the Artists’ Personal Impacts Survey, a 40-question survey that I created and conducted to explore positive psychological benefits of art practice. The survey was completed by 112 visual artists.
I noticed respondents’ emphasis on relatedness via connection, community, and collaboration. I identified a subset of respondents who self-organized activities, and found that they had stronger opinions, were more active, and were more likely to stay active. I explored these practices in greater detail via follow-up correspondence.
These findings are presented in an essay and nine data visualizations in the 20-page Inter/dependence zine. I drew four Venn diagrams to further summarize the overlaps in the qualitative responses to 10 questions. I also hand-lettered clarifying quotes. I sewed a flag to represent how fellow artists comprise an art world that I want to participate in.
Inter/dependence zine is available as a PDF (1.5 MB) or hardcopy ($5).
Caption: Christine Wong Yap, Inter/dependence, 2015, mixed media, dimensions variable. Inter/dependence was developed as part of Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s Process Space artist residency program in 2015.
Thanks to all survey respondents, supporters who shared the survey, and LMCC. Special thanks to Jocelyn Shu, for survey design input; Stephen Barich, Cal Cullen, Sarrita Hunn, Kate Ann Rhoades, and Weston Teruya for their follow-up correspondence; and Jessie Chaffee, Constantina Zavitsanos, Gregory Gentert, and Tatiana Berg for editing help.