What does it mean to belong in the Bay Area?
What are the stories of belonging in the context of a quickly changing region?
Help uncover and amplify stories of belonging in the Bay Area.
Seeking motivated volunteers who are from the Bay Area.
the Othering and Belonging Institute (formerly the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society) at UC Berkeley is offering a limited number of complimentary admissions to the Othering and Belonging Conference from April 8–10, 2019 in Oakland ($700 value). It’s a great chance to listen to visionary thinkers and organizers, engage in workshops, and learn about systems of inclusion and exclusion. Past speakers have included bell hooks and Jeff Chang.
You’ll receive a copy of the booklet resulting from this project, featuring maps and narratives about belonging in participants’ own words.
By conducting compelling interviews, you will make the projects more diverse and reflect a more inclusive Bay Area, while supporting a broader understanding of what things are needed to support this belonging into the future.
Email Christine Wong Yap at . Please include:
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