Some contributors carry their sense of belonging with them. I designed and screenprinted six bandannas based on their words.

Photo of a bandanna printed in salmon and grey. Text reads: I am me wherever I go. Regardless of the circumstances, my values and ideals will not be swayed. NNYLY

Bandanna inspired by NYYLY.

Orange bandanna with a ribbon. On the ribbon says the text in Chinese and English: Where I am is my home. Belonging allows me to listen to my heart, searching for love and freedom. 我在的地方,就是我的家。歸屬感讓我聽從自己的內心尋找自由和愛 Xiang Li (Alice)

Bandanna inspired by Xiang Li (Alice).

Cream colored bandanna with blue and salmon text in Chinese and English, which reads: ultimate belonging, the connection between humans & the natural origin of the universe.   終極的歸屬,它是人與宇宙自然本源的鏈接  group or community,  external and unstable 是群體的歸屬. relationships. validated and determined by family 感情的歸屬 它通過以 家庭形式 來確認 . Loralei.

Bandanna inspired by Loralei.

Navy Blue bandanna with text in blue and white that follows interlocking spiral design. The text reads: Escaping into the mystery of being, I’m able to let go of—or embrace—my fears, regrets,  worries... Belonging gives me perspective: being a small part of something unimaginably vast, complex, beautiful, dangerous, amazing. —Niko

Bandanna inspired by Niko.

Grey bandanna with cream, light blue, and navy printing. The image is of a mobius strip with text on it that reads: all life, including plants, are connected.

Bandanna inspired by J. Fever.

white bandanna with salmon, light blue and navy blue printing of banners and protest signs bearing the text: Belonging makes me stronger. I will fight to belong, for all my people to belong. —Sasha

Bandanna inspired by Sasha. 

To read contributors’ stories about carrying belonging with them, see 100 Stories of Belonging in the S.F. Bay Area.

spread of book pages 74-75 for carried belonging, featuring a story of belonging by NYYLY, with a bandana featuring a quote

Caption: Christine Wong Yap, Belonging Bandannas #1–6, 2019, screenprinted by the artist, 22 x 22 inches, edition of 15 each. Printed at Kala Art Institute as inaugural artist in residence at the Othering and Belonging Institute (formerly the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society) at UC Berkeley. Photos: Lia Sutton.